The Rom Baro wants the crystal the Liche at the bottom of the dungeon is hoarding. He wont give you his lens except in exchange for that one thing, if at all. Now Covetous was a mine at one time so natural treasure is sure to be found but even with the disturbance of ether caused by the black rock in it, the paranormal still runs amuck.

Anyone could handle ghouls by now, its the skeletons that bite here. With the sheer quantity of bone lying about several regenerations simply won't be able to be stopped. Beware sounds of settling timbers especially near carts, carts will fall or start moving down a track the avatar is on.

Covetous is a black rock mine, the profusion of the mineral and the effects it has on the ether make it so the avatar can’t cast within the mine. It’s a good idea to cast a first circle light spell before entering. It should last the whole way though and its needed (even with the helm of radiance soon to be found).

  first level
    first cavern
      [ledge in south wall] green pool
      [niche in west wall] (2) qust:black rock
      [cart on raised track] drnk:bottle of whiskey
      (3) qust:black rock
    spiral ramp
      [floor at base] book:154 pools of covetous
        (37) coin
    lift works chamber
      book:153 lift repair
      wheel (controls water for lift drive)
    lift chamber one
Lothar (the sword wraith; Knows of Gringolet and its approximate location, and Khelereth the liche, and Ailuj [Julia], drops key:gold key which opens the chest with the lift lock button)
      [chest] blue button (opens lower floor blockade)
      (4) buttons (operation is simple enough, the buttons send the lift to one of the four floors, the top is to the first and the bottom, the fourth)
    passage first to second chambers
      skeleton (appears on return from second chamber)
    second cavern
      (2) skeleton (appear on return from chamber three)
      [pit northern end of chamber] weap:2H:warhammer (when picked up causes quake)
      [west of pit] quake trap (one time, on a walk-by the pile of bones generates a
skeleton and a quake ensues)
      niche in north wall
        purple pool (user)
          01 the cog to repair the lift
          02 the axle where the cog goes
        qust:black rock
      [niche in east wall] (4)
dwarf skeleton
    third cavern
      (2) skeleton
      niche in north wall
        qust:lift cog
        (4) potn:yellow
      niche in west wall
        green pool
      [cave in south wall] (2) gem:topaz
  second level
    first chamber
skeleton [generates]
skeleton [appears on return to room]
      qust:black rock
      blue pool (leaver)
        01 crates near the column
        02 Skully’s skull
      [crate] book:154 pools of Covetous
      [crate] (2) qust:black rock
    dark chamber [north of first, mist about floor]
skeleton (this is a generator room, it goes dark at the first the avatar enters, when the last skeleton is killed, the room goes dark again and more skeletons are generated, this is trouble also because you soon run out of room to withhold body parts in your inventory)
    well chamber (west of dark chamber, two well grates in floor, grunts coming from them, loudest in the south)
      [crate] (5) potn:yellow
      qust:black rock
      green pool
      [behind stones against north wall] powder keg (can be used here to blow away south grate)
      [cave in south wall] qust:black rock
ghoul [when exiting south wall cave]
    (push cart in east passage to break barrier)
    second chamber
      skeleton [appears on return]
      (3) qust:black rock
    column chamber
      [niche in south wall] qust:Skully’s skull
      qust:black rock
      green pool
      [broken crate behind east rock fall] key:iron key (chest with lock button)
    lift room
skeleton [generated on return]
      [chest] green button [opens lift lock for level three]
  third level
    cavern room (quake trap one time, if avatar walks across the bridge a quake occurs and he falls into the pit)
      qust:black rock
      (2) gem:amethyst
      green pool
      (cart trap in east passage when traveling west)
    second chamber
      qust:black rock (when picked up lava rises to edge of pit)
      [cave in north wall] gem:sapphire
    third chamber
      (2) gem:sapphire
      niche past rock fall against east wall
        green pool
        armr:magc:Helm of Radiance
      qust:black rock
    fourth room
      purple pool
        01 Skully’s grave
        02 column
    [fifth room] (3) powder kegs (use here to blow hole to grave room)
    grave room
      [niche in north wall] Skully’s grave (on his return Skully provides key:gold key to third level lift lock chest)
fighter ghost
    [lift room in chest] red button [opens lift lock for level four]
    [well room]
giant skeleton
  fourth level
    [passage to south of lift chamber] (2)
    treasure cave
      weap:pole:bladed staff
      (3) gem:sapphire
      (2) gem:emerald
      (2) gem:ruby
      (2) gem:diamond
      [in pool] (186) coin
    underwater cavern
      green pool
    long route
      [first niche] (3) gem:emerald
      [second niche past fist door] (4) gem:sapphire
      third niche
        (2) potn:yellow
        (5) gem:emerald
    column cavern
      [entry passage east]
      (2) ghost fighter
      ghost pirate
      [niche in west wall] gem:topaz
Ailuj (the Wyrmguard)
      qust:Glyph of Sacrifice
      treasure caves
        (6) gem:ruby
        (4) gem:amethyst
        (4) qust:black rock (this quantity regenerates)
        (3) gem:sapphire
        (moving north down last hall summons a
ghost pirate)
        (7) gem:diamond
    liche passage room
      pirate ghost
      fighter ghost
      [crate] (3) potn:flask
      [in pit] qust:black rock
      (3) powder keg [use here to open passage to liche anteroom]
    liche anteroom
      [west wall passage] (2) skeleton
      ghost pirate
      ghost fighter
    entryway to Khelereth’s sanctum
      sign:401 Gringoletsac
    bottom well room
ghost fighter
      key:gold key (???)
      green pool
      powder keg (use here to blow last grate to exit to the waters offshore of Minoc at [21°47'n,53°13'e])
    [back hall of Khelereth’s sanctum] block switch (opens illusory wall)
    [Khelereth’s sanctum]
Khelereth (the liche; summons ghouls, on his death a crystal appears in the circle centered in the room, touching the crystal reveals the back hall passage if you did not come that way already, and the qust:blackrock crystal ball appears in the large chest down the back hall